Sunday, September 10, 2006

Emotions Flowing, Capstone Knowing

Life sometimes has some amazingly....pensive, but enlightening moments.

Tonight, a very deep night full of conversations, has told me alot about myself and such, but somehow does relate to this project I hope to become something very special.

Basically, not to get into details, it's been quite a night, but sometimes you have really deep conversations with other people. One that make you think about life, and what really matters and things that are important. I was talking with a girl I really like about how I like her and all, and talking online can be so stupid at times because they are just words on a screen and no matter how much you mean them or how much conviction you actually have, words are nothing without tone and emotion, which are hard to convey in an online experience...

..which is what i hope to do with my project, i hope to put in components of emotions. I believe having easily uploaded pictures, audio bites and such will help convey these emotions, but hopefully something else, I am not sure right now, but I wanted to post, so I can come back when compiling to remember this night and all the crazy emotions, because posting about a card game you had, and a night like this have different emotions, and though emoticons are great and super, i think i want to develop something else as a conveyer of emotions, which is the hardest thing to do online, may be or may not be successful but something i want to think about, because these are the stories of our lives and experiences of our days, so I want to make sure that they are told the way they are supposed to be!

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