Monday, November 27, 2006

THIS JUST IN : LIFE! Now New Media!

Capstone . New Media?

What Is New Media?
By:Vin Crosbie

New Medium
for communications. It is a new communication medium that, like Sky for prior transportation media, bridges the mutually incompatible characteristics of prior communications media.

(Never thought "New Media" would be defined in such a one sentenced word. The reason why we never read this before this class, so we could tell our friend's what our major was is astonishing , :P)

So from my understanding it becomes new media when you are able to use a project/installation/etc. to further what was not able before. I would understand that this has a clear and conscise relation to such a transformation of analog to digital. Things become possible that never were before, opening up spaces.

This is key for any project, but all the time what I really wanted out of my project. All the time we are being fed information using "false mediums", and we never take the time to see what is possible, but not online or with a paintbrush, max msp, etc., but our very own lives. Hopefully, this project is a realization of the person through their experience. I believe so many people go on day by day voiding themselves of the outside world for whatever reason. Hopefully, people will want to get out and experience things once they see the amazing things going on in the world, and "Bridge" out their lives.

Mediums come in all sorts of forms, and it seems as though Crosbie is saying if those forms somehow combine other forms, or take those forms to a different level, it becomes part of the new media realm. What metonymy of "medium" was once implored would be the same as my project being a web site. Now, the web site is no longer the medium, so for me the ideology of the project becomes the new media portions of the project. The website is one way to convey the new media portions of the project.


I agree with Crosbie mostly, he talks a lot in metaphors about Land, Water, and how Sky was revolutionary for those forms of "medium" or transportion, which are like metaphors.

A website can be a vehicle to display Mass Medium content, which indeed is how most newspapers, magazines, and broadcasts use it. However, that merely replicates online the hallmark limitations of Mass Medium vehicles and doesn't take advantage of the New Medium's ability

I think this is true to an extent, websites do do this in a sense, but it seems that when a project's reliance is partially on networked culture, you run into more problems. My entire project, I have been thinking about whether or not to couple my project with some sort of Experispace installation, which I may still, which may be a traditional new media (traditional new media?) jump as to bring out new qualities in the "transportation", but a lot of my project focuses on the transportation of the body as a medium, the life, and the stories.

Capstone Figure 8's - Jenkin's Style

This is a defense of my new media capstone project based on :

Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape
by Henry Jenkins

1. Social and Cultural Experimentation

Experispace I believe does experiment with the culture. For people to post their memories for everyone to see is a big step, of course people already blog, and that is an obvious step, but many myspace profiles and such are becoming private. It seems like the online world is becoming more hermitizing then digital means once has been, which is also a big portion of what I hope to achieve with this project - the getting outside of the computer box.

2. Where New Media Meets Any Media

they use the web to talk back to media producers or tell their own stories about fictional characters.

This project is about telling your own stories. In some ways though the convergence portions depends on your intent of the project. The idea of memory has been long lived over many cultures, this is just one interpretation of sharing memories and stories as the natives do orally.

3. Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Everyday

This is the big focus of my project. Even if i have to integrate some sort of texting technology/gps type deal, that will suit the project well. The goal of this project is to make it very easy to log in, click on the map, tell some stories, and if people want to spend more time with it, they could upload pictures, find 6 degrees of themselves, etc. etc.

4. RE - RE - RE Mix

The core of this project has a digital space on the web, so the idea of remixing it seems a little off handed, though I would not be against people taking the project and doing new things with it. I myself did a variation or two on these projects. One that was called Digital_Worlds where users would mark their MEMORIES of digital spaces in a map of the WWW, and the other being one where maps of fictional lands could be created maybe for tv and episode guides, or an imaginary place where you played as a child. Therefore, the core components of the project are very simple, sharing memories in a visual space.

New modes of entertainment, such as computer and video games, depend on our active engagement: we do not simply consume them; we make them happen.

Very simply many people take works and reinterpret them in many different ways, like Jenkins quotes above, it is possible as long as there is active engagement. For example, a video game based on a world of memories could be made. A game in which you have to travel through this world of real memories and fight your way through the good and the bad. Maybe you would feel more worldly afterwards, or at least one is playing a game about the things in the real world

5. Networking Lives

Another strong aspect of my project in an obvious sense. People are coming here to share memories and stories with each other, and network based on those, finding similar qualities over place and time.

-- trying to decide how to communicate their ideas only to those people they want to see them while maintaining privacy from unwanted observation.

Unwanted observation is always a tough spice when you trying to allow such an open community of stories. But, Experispace has a quality and tone to it, which I hope to set from the get go. Serious stories about things that people feel were large or very small milestones in their lives, whether it be a death of a favorite aunt, or learning a new recipe, anything can see big or small, but the point is to reflect on these occurrences and realize that life is changing and taking notice makes all the difference.

6. From Maine to China and Back to Beijing and Bucksport

To be global can be difficult with cultural and language barriers, but as Jenkin says :

Some worry that the most economically powerful nations will overwhelm the rest, insuring a homogenization of global cultures; others contend that such a world requires the constant production of cultural difference

There is a debate over this, but the good thing about Experispace is that every single person whether from U.S.A. , Germany, France, or Indonesia, has stories to tell. I think the cultural diversity that Jenkins spoke of is the important part and the homogenization needs to stay away. What kind of people are we if we were to go to Experispace and people in China were having the same experience of those in Maine. One of purpose of this project is obviously to connect people based on like experiences and maybe someone in Maine and someone in China both got their first jobs. The contexts of those stories will probably be very different, yet somewhat similar.

7. From My Kids to My Grandkids to My Great Grandkids until I can't count anymore

To be generational can at times be difficult. Something that can be passed on no matter what the age. I think something that is "Remixable" has the same potential to be generational. Relationships to media will always be different. Experispace is generational in the fact that if one's great great great great great grandchildren (many years from now) were to go on, they could find their ancestors and look at their experiences, and though that is not generational from a medium standpoint, it is relative to digging up old photos from the attic. People are interested in the past, and Experispace is a neat and clean place to work with these topics.

8. If I give you a piece of candy and you give me a rock, do i feel like an ass or what?

Communities need to be communities in the obvious definition of the word, but many times you find communities with a lot of "guests". There are problems with this because if someone is going to buy in they want to see it before even signing up. Samples work in these cases, but I hope the community for Experispace grows, and people want to be part of the sharing process


Out of these 8 new media qualities, I think overall most of the categories fit some nook that Experispace tries to offer. I think Jenkin's did a very good job of laying out some of the qualities of New Media. I do not think that anyone will ever come up with a DEFINITION of New Media that I feel is suited, but qualities of NM rather. These 8 qualities are some of the important aspects of NM for most people, but even as we learned in 206 thinks like autobotography, hacktivist, etc. are parts of this web.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Another maptype, would use flash, zooming in, experiences would be different colored pebbles.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


When I was thinking about more approaches to do, I came at a crossroad, from here my work will be basically developing what i want interfaces to look like and fine tune the rest of the features, which is what the approaches are about. A lot of what my project about is the experiences and places and the tone to go with those. As i have stated in the past, the point is not just "oh, i went to burger king on main street, and i had good food", but rather "i went home for the holidays for the first time in 4 years, this is what happened" then some sort of reflection on the experience and the place.

In thinking of how users are going to upload stories, it would be something sort of the Experi and the Space part. Possibly seperate so the person can think about the story, then in the background after think about the place specifically.

I have a personal example I drafted up.

For this version I am just going to type it up, then later do a mockup of that page, when I am working deeper with site design.

Who? - Matthew Leavitt & Rebecca Hickman
When? - Sunday, November 5, 2006


On this morning, I was woken up my friend and neighbor "Bex". She was standing at doorway with a bloodied tissue. We had both went to bed very very late the morning before, her at 4 a.m. and I at 5:30 a.m. due to some friends we had over. I was very out of myself as I was woken up on about 4.5 hours of sleep.

She needed me to drive her to the hospital because due to her history of artery failures and them bursting, she could faint on the highway. I quickly got dressed, not caring about my obligations for the day because there are moments that you know you are needed beyond the things you mark down on your daily planner.

I drove her to the hospital and when we got there, we had to register, which is a great process, since they care more about getting your money first and then helping you second. Fox news was on, and we talked about Sadaams Death Sentence, which was being covered for 10 minutes at a time in between every single other story. We talked about the things we did not like about the war and the state of the goverment.

She was brought into see the triage nurse. She brought a book entitled "When Things Fall Apart", which had a lot to do with Tibetan Buddhism with a lot of advice about embracing fear and instead of always running from the fear, knowing what it is and how it affects us. I am in no way a religious and barely spiritual person. I believe there are things outside of our understanding, and there may be a big blue light in sky waiting to take us. One term used in Buddism referred to as Samsara, states that in Theism the only thing we do is wait for our inevitable death, and though that brings hope, what it brings more is the despair that we are waiting for death, waiting for heaven, then reliving again only to face to same uncertainly. Rather we should embrace the moments of now, and here. Though, I did not gain a lot of religious output, i think daily life suggestions it gave a lot of, and I would not have even thought to read this book unless I was there.

Bex came out of the triage nurses office, and later taken into the doctors. I proceeded to read for a while. An interested story within there the author Pema Chodron describes one of her friends was having intense nightmares about these demons chasing her. When asked what they looked like, she did not know, so curiousity branched in her mind. The next time she had the dream she turned around and faced them, though odd looking they resembled normal animals. She never had the dream again because she faced her fears. I think there is practical advice everyone can take out of that. We live in fear daily, we all have limits, and part of the fear is reaching those limits, and not knowing what is coming. I think I learned just a little bit more about myself in reading some of the book.

Bex came out, they had to caudorize her artery with nitroglycerine. We left the hospital, and soon realized her mom had driven from Houlton to come see her, so we turned around, and i brought her car back to Orono.

In reflection, I think i learned a lot about everyday small life. Helping a friend, even if something simple as driving to the hospital, there is a kind of bonding that happens when someone is in fear, especially after a lot of surgeries in a hospital. It means a lot to a person, and i think it made us better friends.


Interestingly enough, I had my fair share of visits at EMMC. We went through the Webber building to get into the Emergency room, an area I knew all too well. My freshman year of college, i was very very sick with something after 8 months of blood tests, MRI's, Catscans, Gamma bone scans, and testing for everything else under the sun, doctors could not diagnose. Meanwhile, during my sickness I always had to go to EMMC for the big tests (blood work could be done at Cutler). I already have a previous affliction to hospitals especially the smell. I had not been to EMMC since my last MRI where they brutally stuck me with screening fluid with 3 misses into the vein, 1 injecting radioactive fluid into my tissue with an incredible burning on my part.

It is amazing how a place can make you feel so uncomfortable. I realized a lot though reading the book about embracing fear, so i used the same kind of knowledge to embrace this place. For me, it was a place that got it wrong so many times, stabbed me with their steel instruments, and left me undiagnosed, but for Bex, knowing the specific problem, they were able to help her (maybe not in the quickest of time, but help nonetheless). I still do not like hospitals, as i think there is a lot wrong with medecine in America, but on this day it was simply a place of reflection with a book, and helping a friend.


I do not know yet if it will be a WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY HOW type deal, odds are not, but did that to easily break the what and where of the story, i will think of something more clever , but the thing is a lot of what i realized about what happened today came from the reflection in writing about it, especially the place. I thought a little about the hospital while there, but moreso when i was writing about the place it happened. I think it will be successful if people buy in, which will be the later part of getting my project to work !!


This is a screenshot of what experispace project could look like. I put a basic explanation of what the project was about on the front page, but if you were logged in that would change to a menu, also there would be a menu, but i couldn't decide how i wanted that exactly so i left that out for now, but the explantion along with map example are on the front, then a login bar.


This is a close-look into what a typical map sequence could look like. The basic interface would explain

A.) Milestone Meter - what type and how important the experience was to you

B.) Where it happened - the 2nd / equally important part of the project

C.) a short descprition (with a link to read more)

D.) Links to read more, visit the user, and comment on that specific experience / place.


Within my proposal I had talked about something called "milestone meters", which would in turn for each person be a rating system for their personal experiences. The meters can be colored according to types of stories, and scaled based on importance to the person (not a community standards) mainly because what you and I experience may be the same, but it may be more impacted in my life based on previous experiences. This is a quick description of how some of the meter features could work.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So i have been playing a lot with the thought of milestones in a human life and with stones physically. I think design wise this could create a real continuity, as I described in my text based proposal. I made a parti today symbolizing that. Basically stones would be markers, and their size could represent the importance of that story in that person's life. The connection to place is very concrete as stones are in a certain place on the earth, and by putting a rock there that is your story, it reinforces the tie between experience and place !

Here is a parti, two children walking down the street, i wanted to replace balloons with rocks, with little quotes in them to show how two people can experience the same place, but differently. I also came up with a little....not logo, but visual in the "mileStOne" down in the bottom righthand corner.

Text Based Proposal


A text-based proposal

A project about milestones


Every single person has some kind of personal experience with time and space. Experispace is a project aimed at mapping and networking those experiences with the physical realm and somehow retelling and sharing those stories.


...this is needed now

With technology becoming more and more advanced, consumers as well as artists are finding easier ways to accomplish once mundane tasks. The media is becoming faster, more storage, mobility, and accessibility. All these are great advancements, but even our roots are becoming digitalized. Experispace's goal is to revisit the physical being of experience and space. The investigation that takes place is an important one, so we do not lose sight of the importance of the realm outside of the monitors.

Many problems arising in raising children, education, entertainment, and even organization in making things easier and faster so they are done and over with. Digital saturation of our brains overwhelm the population, and Experispace is an opportunity to go back to the times we went swimming at the lake and had barbeques at grandma's house, then take those experiences and see how we relate back to people, since even our social networks are becoming more digital.

The question arises of how Experispace will be any different from other social networking sites minus the addition of mapping technology and story-based networks. I have complete faith that even in a digital space, when people are "uploading memories", that they will revisit those places in their minds, and the consolation they will feel from knowing other people (even if it is half-way across the world) felt those same ways. I firmly believe we need this as a culture more than ever with the media blitz taking over our minds. We need to relearn how to go back out and experience and share outside of the screen revolution and bring it back to that space to re-connect our synapses with the feeling of the world.

An homage to who we were, and how we will experience in the future.


...this problem arises

The problem of losing one's roots happens everywhere. Many cultures that are not as technologically advanced still have their connection to place and experience, but with some form of a computer and internet in the homes of people today it makes people apprehensive to go out. Experispace is not a way to get people to stop using technology as the core participation of the project comes from mapping and networking through the means of an online community, but provokes people to step outside, and when they come back into the digital space not to forget what happened.

The problem arises in many places. As a culture students are learning the ways of digital culture more so than they are with the concrete culture outside of their houses. In an article published by the new york times, a story about an 8 year old who would private message her mother when she wanted something, and even worse when verbal communication such as “dinner is ready” that was delivered in an instant message. The problem with creating a culture such as this is that even families are blurring the lines on communication by depending more on digital technology, and though this project is about digital technology it is a reminder that digital technology was only ever made possible by experiences that happened in the outside world.


...I propose

My proposal is for a re-investigation into place and experience with a project tentatively called Experispace. The main aim is to create a community, which essentially can be any person who has ever had an experience in this ball of green and blue. The puzzle pieces are the poeple, and the completed puzzle is a vision of people coming together to share their memories and stories of places they experience. For ages, people have told stories in oral fashions in many cultures, and this is a re-interpretation of the "carving your initials into the tree 'Lynn Wuz Here' down by the bay" phenomenon. Many themes in this project are stretched from times before digitalization occurred. Even today, children and teenagers without the internet are always out trying to find something to do. The "small town phenomenon" can be learned from because even with a little the human can produce extraordinary experiences. Some experiences may not be conscious such as going on a trip, but rather just a time and place. Cities are a whole different deal; a lot of experience can depend on people rather than place, which is completely fine, as those experiences still happen in a given place. Maybe they are in a night club instead of a farm yard, but even those two stories could share common threads. Therefore, this project is to bring people together, investigate our experiences, and learn to live again!

Features of the solution

Using mapping and tagging technologies, as well as other Web2.0 advancements, my goal is to create a fluid and easy way for people to connect. Many sites out there such as and has the ultimate goal of connecting people with common interests, while Experispace brings you on a road trip of your own memories with layers of personal history, then allows you to see how your life may be affecting other people's. For instance, were you and your now spouse once at the same banquet when you were both and college and never knew? The technical solutions are a small part of the overall conceptual solutions that allow us to find the overlapping events and memories in our lives.

I envision a community based online where milestones are the concept. When first thinking about the term “milestone” we think of getting married or having a child, but in reality milestones occur each day for us, minor decisions, meeting a person, being sick, can change the outcome of a life. The project focus is not on paths of our lives per say, but how those small moments (and big ones) can mean different things for us.

The project will be mainly features around the metaphor of stones for milestones. When we think of stones, they are a place on the earth, which is symbolic of the places I want people to mark in their lives. There is a very nice parallel flow between stones and milestones, and even something for logos, icons, and continuity. The relationship of milestones and physical rocks is a very distinct connection between the physical realm of nature and human experience, which I believe could be a very strong transfer into a digital space. By investigating milestones with the constant reminder of pebbles, rocks, boulders (different sizes for different types of milestones), the project focus (the tie between experience and place) would be reinforced.


Milestones – These milestones are very important, they are the stories that we share and network throughout this community. There would be a sort of breaking of the work milestone in the sense that milestones could be various events:

· a chance meeting with someone walking down the street (who later became a best friend or spouse).

· A vision quest

· A conversation between friends during a hard time

· A risk someone took

· Or something just as simple as seeing someone each day

Milestone MarkersMilestone markers are sorts of tags. When using a stone as the icon, if you feel that a story was very important you can increase the size of your mile ”stone”. Also, these stories are coupled with actual text tags such as “relationships” , “communities”, “buildings”

Mapping – Milestones are going to be a visual process using mapping technologies. Either using flash based or google-based mapping systems, the hope is to mark experiences with small stones onto the map, so that when people are looking for similar experiences within an area, they can toggle based on milestones (also reflective of milestone sizes as described in “milestone markers”)

Describe the outcomes you expect

The ultimate outcome for this plan of action is to start with a base community in the area where I live. People posting their memories, mapping places they have lived, worked, played. Eventually, after launch, branch out hoping to reach a wider audience. Everyone can benefit from a project like this, not only to chat with people that have similar histories, but also to keep track of their own history. In the distant future, people will look back at experiences they mapped in 2006 feeling nostalgic.


See Attached Gantt Chart

Collaboration Needs

With a project that could be as big as this depending on who buys into the community, collaboration is a key part of the project. I know personally I can come up with concept and design for the project, but coding (such as PHP user accounts), and some advanced DHTML are some things I will need assistance with. Also, to start a community, you must have a general community to start with. I will obviously be contributing to this project throughout the process, but within beta stages, it needs to be tested by people in the outside world, telling their experiences and navigating for the purposes of building a community and helping notice bugs.

Also see attached Budget Proposal.